Scout Master: Stephen Bertucci
Committee Chair: Valerie Matherne
The Troop 100 boys have a lot of fun between volunteering in the community, attending camps, planning outdoor adventures, earning merit badges, and achieving rank advancement.
SPX’s Troop 100 celebrated their Winter Court of Honor recently.
18 scouts earned 59 merit badges, including Engineering, Climbing, Genealogy, Medicine, Traffic Safety, Fingerprinting, Citizenship in the World, Electricity, Shotgun Shooting, Wood Carving, Communication, Archery, Coin Collecting, Camping, Automotive Maintenance, and more!
13 scouts advanced in rank.
Thanks to our scouts, volunteer leaders & parents.
We are proud of you, Troop 100!
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A boys youth organization that teaches moral values, sportsmanship, social skills, and family bonding through the activities including campouts.
It is the mission of the Boy Scouts of America to serve others by helping to instill values in young people and, in other ways, to prepare them to make ethical choices during their lifetime in achieving their full potential
Scouting promises boys that they can be involved in a program that is both exciting and challenging; that they can learn and grow and become leaders; and that they can help to shape their own future and the future of the world in which they live.
As adults, we are called upon to deliver the promise. This requires patience, time, discipline and love.
On my honor I will do the best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.
A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly,
courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful,
thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent.
Be Prepared
Do a Good Turn Daily
John Ledbetter - July 9, 1960 |
Jimmy Bennett - Nov. 16, 1992 |