Benjamin Guerra
The St. Pius X CYO (Catholic Youth Organization) is the youth ministry outreach for teens in high school (grades 8 through 12) at St. Pius X Parish. CYO invites young people to be active participants in our parish throughout your high school years, to grow in your relationship with God, and to build meaningful friendships with other teens in the context of a vibrant faith community. CYO offers a variety of programming year-round including: monthly meetings featuring youth-led planning, community-building activities, and faith-based topics and discussions; youth Masses and retreats; CYO athletic leagues; service projects; prayer gatherings; leadership opportunities; social events; and more. A monthly newsletter details the activities that month, and teens may join anytime by completing the CYO Registration Packet and returning it with $50 new member registration fee to the church office or to a CYO meeting. An annual renewal notice will be sent each summer.
Please e-mail or call Ben Guerra, Youth Minister, at 504-517-5817 with questions or for more information.